Teeth Whitening – Raleigh, NC

A Brighter Smile for a Better Tomorrow

If you’ve been wanting to upgrade your grin in the quickest way possible, then professional teeth whitening might be the solution for you. This cosmetic dental service is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve the appearance of your pearly whites, especially if you want to eliminate years of dental stains and discoloration. Whatever the cause is, our team will work with you to develop the proper treatment plan so that you can achieve a smile you can be proud to show off. Keep reading to learn more about our teeth whitening options or reach out to our office to schedule your initial consultation!

Why Choose Dalton Hunt Dentistry for Teeth Whitening?

  • In-Office & Take-Home Whitening Options
  • Safe & Effective Teeth Whitening Materials
  • In-House Membership Plans & Financing Available

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

a patient smiling during the teeth whitening process

Nearly every adult who is struggling with stained or discolored teeth can be eligible for dental cosmetic whitening treatment. Of course, our team will need to first evaluate your oral health and situation so that we can minimize any risk of complications. During your initial consultation, we will screen your mouth for any underlying problems such as gum disease, decay, cavities, or infection, which will need to be addressed before moving forward with your treatment.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

a woman smiling with brighter teeth

At Dalton Hunt Dentistry, we are proud to provide two types of professional teeth whitening solutions to brighten our patients’ smiles. Regardless of which option you choose, you can be sure to enjoy incredible and dazzling results.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

a teeth whitening syringe and trays

If you would rather brighten your smile in the comfort of your home, we can provide you with customized whitening trays along with professional-grade bleaching gel to get the job done. The bleaching agent is designed to blast away dental stains from the enamel and dentin layers, creating whiter teeth. This process can typically take a couple of weeks to complete, which will involve wearing your trays for a certain amount of time every day. Afterward, you’ll be free to show off your brand-new pearly whites.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

a patient undergoing in-office teeth whitening treatment

For patients who want quicker results or have an upcoming event that they want to prepare for, in-office teeth whitening can be an incredibly convenient and effective solution. This treatment involves applying a high-grade bleaching agent to your smile before using a UV light to help eliminate discoloration in your smile. The process also only takes about an hour to complete, meaning you’ll be able to walk out of your appointment with a brighter grin that can last several months to a couple of years with proper care!

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

a man brushing his teeth to keep them bright

While teeth whitening is a reliable way to improve your smile, the results will not be a permanent cosmetic solution. To make the most of your treatment results, you’ll want to implement the following measures:

  • Minimize how often you consume dark-colored foods and drinks
  • Avoid smoking or using other tobacco products that can discolor your teeth
  • Practice good oral hygiene every day such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash
  • Visit our team for regular checkups and teeth cleanings

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

a patient showing off her smile

It’s always wise to have a good sense of how much a particular treatment costs before committing to it – and teeth whitening is no exception. That said, since every case is unique, the true answer varies from person to person. The only way to know for certain how much you’ll be required to pay to whiten your smile is by visiting us for a consultation. In the meantime, here’s a brief overview of some of the factors that influence the cost of teeth whitening, so that you can make an informed decision that positively boosts your smile!

Factors That Affect the Cost of Teeth Whitening

a before/after photo showing teeth whitening results

Though it might seem like a very straightforward and standardized service, teeth whitening has several varying cost factors that determine the total price you’ll end up paying. These include:

  • The extent of your discoloration – Patients with severe dental staining might need to undergo multiple whitening treatments to achieve their desired results.
  • Necessary preparatory treatments – If you have untreated cavities or gum disease, it will need to be addressed before you can begin whitening treatment in order to prevent complications.
  • Presence of dental restorations – Teeth whitening treatments are intended for teeth only; they won’t work on veneers, crowns, fillings, or other restorations. If you want a uniformly white smile, you might need to have your existing dental work replaced.

Types of Teeth Whitening: What Do They Cost?

a closeup of a teeth whitening tray

Different types of teeth whitening treatments have different costs. Here’s what to expect:

  • In-office whitening – On average, this costs anywhere between $400 and $800.
  • Professional take-home kits – These offer the same quality results as in-office solutions, with the added convenience of being usable at home. Expect them to cost a few hundred dollars.
  • “Over the counter” whitening trays – Available at most supermarkets and pharmacies, these are normally around $100 or less.
  • Whitening strips and gels – These are generally the cheapest of all options, ranging from $5 to $50.

Inexpensive Teeth Whitening vs. Professional Teeth Whitening

a patient receiving teeth whitening from her dentist

Many patients these days are tempted to get the most affordable option when it comes to cosmetic dental treatments like teeth whitening, without regard for the possible negative outcomes! The bottom line is that store-bought whitening options might cost less, but you’re essentially settling for less-than-satisfactory results. Not only will they fail to help you achieve your whitening goals, but they might also harm your smile!

Here at our practice, we use professional-grade materials that aren’t just effective at whitening teeth; they’re also incredibly safe and gentle. These solutions also cater to your specific whitening needs. While this might cost more than the average store-bought or mail-order whitening solution, know that you’re absolutely paying for high-quality results. Not to mention, turning to us for whitening also means you’ll undergo an oral examination beforehand, ensuring that your mouth is adequately healthy.

Options for Making Teeth Whitening Affordable

a patient pointing to his smile

Since teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental service, it’s not typically covered by dental insurance. This means that you’ll have to look elsewhere for ways of making it more affordable; so allow us to help! Our practice is a proud partner with CareCredit, a third-party financer who works with patients to help them afford dental treatment without straining their budget. They offer low-interest monthly payment plans, meaning you can whiten your smile without worrying about any financial strain. We also encourage patients to apply for our In-House plan; for a flat annual fee, you can receive all kinds of valuable discounts on all sorts of treatments, including whitening.